Friday, December 31, 2010

Life so far

So today most likely will be a double blogging day. Since Christmas, a lot has turned around. I began Physical Therapy on the 27th and let me tell you, it wasn't easy. My foot is incredibly sensitive and requires serious desensitization. I had three sessions of PT this week and surprisingly during each session my pain got just a little bit better. Every day is a constant struggle with trying to wiggle my toes. They are incredibly stiff, but I practice my exercises to help get them moving. I won't be able to walk if I can't even put my weight on the foot. In case you all wonder what desensitization means, I will create a post just on that.

I have two weeks until I head out to Aspen. I don't know what roles I have yet, but I do have TWO parts. I'm heading out on an early flight on the 15th and get back on the 27th...just in time for my best friends birthday! I get to look forward to negative degree temperatures and a lot of snow. On the bright side, I get to maybe see Jack Nicholson/Goldie Hawn/any other really rich celebrity taking their winter vacation. Maybe I'll steal Wi-Fi from Jack...although he seems like a kind of frightening guy and I wouldn't want to piss him off! I start rehearsals on the 16th, other than that I know nothing. Performances run from the 23-25/26 at the black box theatre at the high school in Aspen. I have a few special engagements with the group. If any of you want to look it up I am doing Take Ten with Theatre Masters. I will update when I know more...most likely from my phone.

I sit here at work. I could be at home...but alas I don't have the day off. I need to clean, severely! Having one foot that works makes it very difficult to get stuff done. My coworker suggested listening to some tunes, so we are...a little bit of coffee shop stuff on 8tracks. Jamie Callum...Sinatra....amazing. The chocolate is in abundance...always bad in this office. I am off at 5, where I will go home, shower, put on my PJ's...cook a meal. Drink my a fruit punch fourloko and then some champagne. I expect drunkenness by about 8 pm...maybe 10...trying to pace myself here. Not really happy to spend New Years eve alone. I'm hoping that 2011 is a good year.

PS: I ate this for was foul. It looked like a monkey or small child could have made it. It was a Healthy Choice Steamers. Has shrimp, asparagus, squash, and pasta in some garlic sauce. I ate everything except for the squash and I feel gross.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Here I am...alone on Christmas. This will be my 1st Christmas solo. I'm cooking quite the spread. Chicken, stuffing, peas and mushrooms, chive mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and a garlic baguette and salad. Leftovers...yes! There are also two bottles of wine that need drinking...I may finish both tonight...yikes.

On another note...I have been cleared for Physical Therapy. My first session is Monday. I'm really excited to get back walking. I also DID get that gig in Aspen. I will be playing two parts...more info to come. I should be in Aspen for two weeks doing my thing. This is a major step in my career and I hope that I can get something after this.

I of course will be giving more info when I get it on my roles in the shows. Ahhhh I could go to New York with this gig!!! YES!!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Surgery Part Drei!!!

I haven't blogged in a bit. My apologies. I figured if I wrote everyday about my chronicles it would get a bit boring. I pretty much did the same thing, every day, before my post-op appointment. I slept, ate, felt nauseous, slept more, watched a lot of tv and movies. It was a pretty depressing ten days. No one really visited me or called. Unless you count Annie, Chris, and Garrett (by phone).

I went to my post-op appointment on the 24th where I hoped I would be able to be put in a walking cast...but noooo. Instead, the doc inspects my stitches and says put a cast on. I was like WHAT!? So I had a short cast put on my foot, with a toe plate for no movement. I have to wear this stupid thing for 4 weeks.

I also booked my first professional acting gig in Aspen about the mid to the end of January. I'm a little worried though that my foot won't be ready by then. It means I have to be diligent with my physical therapy and work at home with exercises. I was told not to flex or move my toes while in this cast so I'm doing pretty well with that too. Everyone that reads this please send positive vibes so I heal right. This process has been harder than I thought. My patience and strength has certainly been tested.

On an awesome note: I have guns! Yes, I have arm muscles that rival Mrs. Obama's. All because of crutches. The downside of crutches: my right butt cheek is far superior than the left. :( I'm pretty sure every time I use my crutches I get a workout!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Chronicles of Surgery Part Deux

Its a Sunday and I'm stuck inside watching football. I'm not a Skins fans so I'm only sorta kinda watching the game. I haven't been able to eat anything today. Tried to get down some soup but that didn't happen. Gatorade is all that I've had. Probably going to push for a few crackers later. Chinese sounds good, but I probably would regret the decision later, so the point is moot. I finished my application for LAMDA. Now just waiting on my recommendation and then I just have to pay for it and send it off. I still have not heard anything about Aspen, I'm keeping my spirits up. Maybe I'll send an email next week. I find that this pain medication is incredibly debilitating. I'm starving but scared to eat for fear of being on a toilet for hours. Once I take it, I'm knocked out and incoherent for awhile. I tried waking up at a decent time this morning, but because of the meds I had to lay back down. My body just wasn't ready to get up.

I am finding myself to be incredibly bored and lonely. No one here is really able to take care of me or come by and visit. TV and movies are already boring. I'm too weak to go see Harry Potter and I'm pretty sure I would pass out half way through. I've pushed for people to bring me coloring books but that hasn't happened. I would also like to add that I'm lacking in Vitamin D considering I can't get outside. I'm sitting on my couch hoping that enough sun comes in from outside to help me!

It's weird when you just sit and you have nothing to do. Your mind starts to wander and you think about all these weird, terrible things. At this stage I probably would find paint drying to be exciting. I'm also tempted to just rip off all my bandages to see what my wound looks like. I shouldn't...and I won't...but the little kid in me is like "RIP IT OFF!!!" I'm still debating whether or not I should post a picture of the stitches at some point. I don't know if my audience would appreciate it. I think its cool, but this is coming from the person who can eat a whole meal while watching Trauma Life in the E.R on Discovery Channel. I'm ok with the gruesome. Although, I watched Grey's Anatomy the other night and this kid had been hit by a train and I felt a little sick...but I feel sick about 99% of the time because of the meds so I really don't know. I may be getting another visit today from a co-worker which will be nice. People should start leaving me suggestions for things to do while I'm a gimp.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Chronicles of Surgery Part 1

Since I have nothing better to do, but sit in bed and write, I thought I would chronicle my time healing and all the crappy things I'm doing to bring myself to 100%. My friends and family read this blog so why not give everyone who cannot be by my side and all access pass to my misfortune. Here we go:

Day 1 Surgery or as I like to call it...the Apocalypse:

I woke up at 4 am so I could shower and get ready to be at Georgetown University Hospital by 5:30. The lovely and ever handsome Garrett drove me and waited for me throughout the whole entire process. I suppose I have to name my first born after him for all he's done. The surgery took no time at all. Maybe 45 minutes TOPS! The post-op took forever considering I had to be given more pain medicine than normal because I suppose being a redhead and pale means I process the drugs faster. It took about two hours for me to completely be ready to be moved. It didn't help that I also had some really terrible nausea...which I was given drugs for...and then I started itching like I got some Benadryl...which meant more comatose Jennifer. The rest of the day was spend saying goodbye to Garrett and having my best friend Jen to keep me company and to make sure I didn't injure myself.

Day 2: Less successful considering I spent the evening throwing up. That's pretty much all I've got. Don't overeat and take your pain meds....something not so good is going to happen.

Day 3: I sat in bed all day...watched some tv, messed around on the computer. Nothing very exciting at all. I also got a lovely visit from my co-worker Annie who brought me trashy magazines, cards, a flower ( I can't let it die), some delicious organic dark chocolate, and hair barrettes...I will rock them in a later post....promise. We caught some Doctor Who and then by that time my oxycontin kicked in so I passed out asleep.

Day 4: Pretty much the same as the others. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rocked it out!

So yesterday was my audition for Theatre Masters in Aspen, CO. I knocked that audition out of the park. It was really refreshing for a director to workshop my pieces with me. He told me to take of my heels so I could be more "grounded" which surprisingly helped me. I was given different tactics and I think I really took his direction well. I performed three monologues. One from All's Well That Ends Well, Reasons to Be Pretty, and Picasso at the Lapin Agile. He told me that my pieces were really good for me! WIN. I look forward to keeping those in my repertoire. Now I play the waiting game. I sent off my headshot and resume in New York for the Artistic Director to have and hopefully I will get a phone call either way. Fingers crossed people who read my blog...there may not be that many of you, but I will take all the luck I can get!

I may have gotten a bit derailed later that evening but I still think I'm awesome!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fish and Chips...when did people go nuts?

Ok so I am writing a blog about Fish n' Chips because two of my friends/ blog writers have written about it so I decided to comment on this. I am a true lover of all things British...well not ALL but MOST of the time. I have had these delicious dish in both the States and in Britain. In England, I have received a large piece of fish, mainly Cod, that is so amazingly decadent and flaky that its like a mini-orgasm in your mouth. There is something about receiving your fish in brown paper that you have to unwrap that the whole experience is memorable. I for some strange reason have never experienced fish in small sticks? Doesn't that make it a fish stick? I was always under the impression that the fish you get should be a fillet...I mean not some ginormous thing but a reasonably sized one...ya feel me?

I have been to the fish n' chip place in Old Town and yes it is it the best I have had...NO. But will it do...hell yeah. I really want to try their chip butty which is french fries and butter on's a heart attack waiting to happen in a sandwich. Anyway, my wine buzz is making me go off on a tangent.

Fish n' Chips. There is something comforting about it. Sit yourself down with that and a pint....SOLD. I love chips too so if they serve good ones you know I will be back. Anything at the Dublin Chipper is going to kill you if you eat it everyday. And for the people that don't know there is an awesome speakeasy lounge above it that you have to knock on the door just to get in. If you aren't wearing the appropriate attire....denied! Maybe I will give PX a go this weekend and let all you faithful/ or not bloggers my thoughts.

Dammit Linds now I need to eat me some fish and chips at Eamonn's. When this will happen I have no clue..maybe tomorrow but I have a feeling I am going to eat either Taco Hell or McShit's for lunch with a side of Auntie Annie's clog my arteries.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Working on fitness....and monologues?

So since I'm having this foot surgery I decided to work on my upper body/core fitness. I.E I'm going to become a BAMF in the guns department! I worked out my shoulder, lats, biceps, and triceps. Needless to say that I am very sore this afternoon. I will continue my crazy workout tomorrow.

As well as working on my fitness, I need to be working on my Shakespeare piece from All's Well that Ends Well. I will be doing this monologue, along with my contemporary piece from Picasso at the Lapin Agile. I am 99.9% sure I will be auditioning for Theater Masters on October 27. This is a HUGE step in my life and it could lead to me getting my first professional job! To quote A Chorus Line: I really hope I get it!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall and Beyond...

It finally feels like fall today here in the District. I got my second Pumpkin Spice Latte of the is delicious. I feel quite comforted and warm. The latte was just enough kick to get me prepped for my busy day at work. I have a lot to think about and do in these next few months. I am in the process of auditioning for a show that will be in Aspen in January. I need to contact that guy today about auditioning for him here in the District. An email should go out to him today AND I have to send my headshot and resume to Theater Masters in Aspen, CO.

Besides, getting my shit together for this audition, I am also applying to go to a summer Shakespeare program in London next year. It is for LAMDA. I would LOVE to be accepted to either their 8 week or 4 week Shakespeare Intensives. Space is limited they say, so I should probably get on that this week. I need to make a phone call to my old mentor in college so he can write me a fabulous recommendation. I also will be having my surgery in about a month...I am counting down the days and getting both excited and nervous. I cannot wait to NOT be in pain anymore.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I didn't get it

So Transformers 3 didn't choose me to be an extra. Am I bummed that I won't be making $100 and I may or may not be seriously injured while on set? YES! I really wanted to be a part of a big action movie. I have no idea what they were looking for but I obviously wasn't it. I mean I guess I should be happy that I can work almost 40 hrs at my job, but still...I wanted to be part of Michael Bay's ridiculous franchise. I have a feeling that this movie is going to tank at the box office. Already there is drama on set here in DC....Bumblebee t-boned a DC cop car that was in the area trying to get to a supposed bomb threat. Video footage is online and it looks like filming is being delayed until security measures are checked. I really want to meet John Malkovich! There goes my chances of becoming a big Hollywood star!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


So I was supposed to go up to NYC this weekend for a big ass audition. Little did I know that because it's the holiday weekend...every nice...not necessarily "luxury" but still nice. I.E no bed bugs, because they are running rampant in Manhattan (I think this is gross, so if I have the money to pay for a nice hotel I am going to do it) is booked. It's a Wednesday night and I have like 10 hotels in mind from Monday and they are all full. I think...shit...fml. I'm at the mall getting my haircut yesterday because I needed to look good for this audition and I get an email from the woman saying 'hey I have someone who may be able to see you in DC." I'm a little freaked at this moment because I'm like, when will you know...i can't keep waiting. Thankfully I can be seen in DC, sometime in the near future. I MAY be filming Transformers 3 next week and I MAY have seen Shia today walking to the metro...but it also could have been your standard DC douche. His baseball hat was askew as if he were trying to hide his face. I thought that was something a celeb might do....whatevs.

For those who are wondering what this audition is for...its not Broadway...i'm not that awesome...YET!! It's for a thing called Theatre Masters which takes place in Aspen every year in January. A bunch of budding MFA playwrights write a play and they need actors. At the end of the week in Aspen their play gets judged by big time people like Lanford Wilson and John Lithgow. If their play gets picked then they come to NYC in April ish. This could be a huge opportunity for fingers crossed. I'll let you all know if I get into Transformers for sure.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


9 years ago today I was sitting in my Sophomore English class. We had heard that a plane had hit the Twin Towers. We turned on the television and sat there mesmerized by the drama unfolding before us. Tears rolled down our was terrible. Then of course there was a bomb threat called to our high school so we had to evacuate into the parking lot in the sun. We of course will also freaking out because the high school was right next to Universal Studios and there were major threats coming in about them being hit too. So what I am trying to say is this. NEVER FORGET!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I just put in to audition for two shows...fingers crossed that they want me to audition and that I can get a part. I'll post what the doc says tomorrow. I will be meeting with an agent on the 22nd....things are coming together. Really excited to start my Shakespeare class with Craig Wallace on the 13th!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Whirling Dervish

I haven't blogged in forever and I am sorry. My life has been very hectic lately. I've been suffering some internal emotional turmoil that is slowly working itself out. Work has been consistent and I am doing well with the task of sending out Auction Donations to businesses that request it. I finally feel like I have an important job to do here, besides just selling tickets. I have gone on auditions. They may have not worked out, but it means I am getting my name and face out there. My 24th birthday came and went. I had two wonderful parties, surrounded by fabulous people that made my nights amazing. I am waiting to hear about a few job opportunities that could pop of them maybe being in Transformers...fingers crossed! I'll be seeing my orthopedic surgeon on Sept.1st to get my fate about my fractured foot. This has been part of my emotional turmoil. I'm in pain 24/7 and there isn't much I can do about it. I sincerely hope that this new doctor can give me piece of mind....even if it means major surgery....AGAIN! Trying to stay focused and positive about my life. I should count my blessings. I'm a pretty fucking lucky human being.

What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We, the Pizza a review

So today is the day before I was born. I decided to treat myself to lunch at Spike from Top Chef Season 4's new pizza joint. It is called We, the Pizza, which I think is kind of a lame name but hey, I was willing to give it a shot. I went around 11:30 ish because I knew that line can go out the door during lunch time, so I proceeded with caution. Walked in.....and NO line! YES!!!! I already knew I was going to order the White Pizza and the Forest Shroomin' Pie. I also got a home-made pineapple soda which was garnished with cilantro...I know it sounds gross but it was absolutely delectable. I would go back just for the drink alone. Got the pizza after about a 5 minute wait. The slices were huge! They also provide you with red pepper flakes, oregano, Parmesan, and garlic. Each had its own little container so you could take your food to go and no flavors would mix.

I wish I could have shared a picture of my slices with you all but I ate that shit up so fast there was no time for a photo-op. I would say though, that although Spike is trying to go for New York Style pizza he falls a little short on the crust and the amount of sauce to cheese ratio. I actually enjoyed the crust because it was chewy and fluffy, but that's just me. I like crust, but I think he could have added a little extra to it. Maybe some garlic and salt? Regular cheese slice runs about $3 and every other slice is $4. So for me, two slices and one home-made soda = $12. It was totally worth it and I would most likely go there again but not during a rush. I think its best if you go early before the pizza sits out for long periods of time.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Aspen Part Deux...weeks later!

So I did a lot of awesome stuff while in Aspen and it was a much needed vacation. Trust me! I met with Paige Price who is the artistic director for Theatre Aspen, the Saturday before I left of OK City. I dropped off my headshot and told her I planned to send off the resume when I got back to DC....she even recently sent me a text reminding me to do so. I think she is seriously interested in wanting to cast me. I hope to go up to New York in the spring to audition for her.

Oklahoma City was really interesting. It really is your standard midwestern town. Everything is FLAT...seriously. It was also hot as Hell. Like 105 degrees, at least there was no humidity. I might've let a horse trample me. My sister rocked it out at the horse show. She made it to the finals in Western Pleasure and was soooo close to making it to the top ten in finals. I was still really proud of her though. And for just starting out Hunter under Saddle in Equitation she did mighty fine as well! The horse world is totally new for me. Everyone was decked out in sequins, boots, and a lot of crystal. I am perfectly fine with performing on stage. :) Oklahoma City is also not known for their food...but it was edible and I think I lost a few pounds.

I flew on private jets and felt super rich and I was like hmmm...I think this is what it feels like to be famous. I mean who flys on a 14 seater jet on the way back to Aspen when there are only 3 people. My grandparents do! I also realized they know a ton of people in the theatre world which I think works out really well in my favor. I miss Aspen terribly, it was a really fabulous vacation and now I am back to reality.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Aspen....the first few days

So I flew into Aspen on Monday July 26th had a pretty decent layover in Denver and a crazy ass plane ride into Aspen. A lot of turbulence and a really bumpy landing. Took the day to relax and rest. Grandma made a really lovely meal of chicken breast and a salad. Tuesday consisted of shopping and seeing a show at Theatre Aspen. I saw Same Time, Next Year. It was good...not great. It had two Broadway/Off-Broadway actors in it. Some of the pacing really seemed to drag and the second half was a hell of a lot better.

Anyway, at intermission, we met this woman named Melanie, she is the co producer of the shows at TA I believe. Well it turns out the next night I get a call for me on the phone from Paige Price who is the Artistic Director of Theatre Aspen...she wants to meet with me to talk about potential acting jobs next summer and to give her my headshot. Holy freaking shit, this is my ticket in the biz....more on this in another post.

Wednesday is more shopping and eating fresh salmon for dinner. Thursday seems like a blur but I did something I think this was the day I met this woman who is a friend of my Grandma's for lunch and we talked about acting. She's no longer in the business but in the 70s she was on SNL, Laverne and Shirly, etc. She was big in sitcoms. It was nice to get someone else's opinion about the biz. Anyway that is all for now. I will write more tomorrow about OK City where I saw my sister show horses and about my meeting with Ms. Price about acting.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Aspen here I come

So tomorrow morning I will be on a plane to Aspen, Colorado to visit my grandma and grandpa. We think make a stop to Oklahoma City the last leg of my trip to see my sister in a horse show. I will hopefully have access to a computer regularly so I will post about my trip. Probably won't include pictures unless its from an Iphone or something (which I don't have). But, I will post photos on my Facebook page when I return on the 5th. My flight is at 8:55 am so I will be up at 6. Blah!!! Finger's crossed for me that it is safe travels. Frontier airlines will be making my journey possible. I downloaded to good tunes to my ghetto Ipod Mini. Some Ke$ha and a bit of Jay-Z. See ya on the flip side ya'll! I swear I better see some famous people on this trip and maybe now that I'm older I will actually have the courage to knock on Jack Nicholson's door....if he's there. Yes, blog world my grandparents live next to him!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sunday July 18th

We had our 5 pm performance that day and we sold out again!! I had several friends in the audience. One of which was my awesome co-worker Annie! I'm always glad to hear when friends love the show and my performance.

There are two of our reviews. I'm memorable supposedly! Fuck Yeah I say!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sold Out!

So our performance last night was sold out! That has got to be the most AMAZING feeling! I had had a super rough day. The rain was horrendous and I got super soaked waiting for the bus. I called up the roommate to give me a ride...she did...but with trepidation. I received a bunch of laughs during my scene. Overall, I think it went really well and I hope we sell out for our last three performances. Get your tickets!!

PS: I am wearing my hideous boot again, as my fractured foot is killing me. Let's see how many nice people there are on the metro and if they give of their seat. Probably not...


Monday, July 12, 2010

PBR...the beer of champions!!

Damn you Gypsy Tent Bar and your $3 PBR's!!! Its like that scene from Brokeback Mountain....I can't quit you! Sometimes I can't tell if PBR is better than Bud or Miller...dunno. But its cheap. Last night after seeing Cavers we hit up the tent to self-promote our show. This tent has live music as well as cheap ass food.

I love grilled cheese and beer! We got to discussing grilled I had ordered one...and how awesome it would be if we could create a grilled cheese truck that went around DC. I would be there everyday btw! We decided that this truck would allow for a mass array of cheeses: Gouda, Gruyere, Feta, Goat Cheese, etc. We would have different kind of soups, such as tomato, potato, split pea...a vegan/vegetarian option. We then got into a heated discussion about meats. I said that we should have bacon and prosciutto as those go well with cheese but everyone shot down my idea...although bacon may be allowed.

I would like to say that all of this discussion came out of PBR's. Damn, now I want a grilled I also seemed to end up with 3 mini sponge footballs with Guinness written on them. HA. All because some actor wanted the box and the club promoter at LUX said she could have it as long as she got rid of the footballs.

I also didn't leave the tent until 11:45 which caused me to miss the metro back home. I got a ride to Ballston and then paid $29 fucking buck-a-roos for a cab to my condo....FML. I told my mom to put in $30 so I wouldn't be poor!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

First Show at Fringe

So we finished our 1 pm show for the Fringe. I must say that it was a success!! We had almost a sold out audience....although the majority were the gay friends of Kat. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Her friends were incredibly responsive. It wasn't as hot either. Patrick, our venue manager, turned on both AC units and there was a fan!! Stage left was probably the coolest area of RedRum. I thought I was going to be late to the show as the blue line on the metro was having scheduled track maintenance as well as there was a problem. As I was coming up the stair to the platform my train was leaving and it was another 2o before one came. Thankfully, someone was looking over me and a yellow line train was a minute away from my platform at King St for me to transfer. It was raining but I managed. My make-up was a little worse for the wear but it's Fringe.

After the show people were thrilled! Some guy came up to me and was like I saw that you went to Rollins...did you know so and so. I was like He said my performance was great and he wished that there were more of me in the show. I told him to talk to the playwright about that! Overall, it was a great run and I look forward to our performance at 10 pm on Tuesday!! Now SLEEP!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Meet Van's Sister

Here is me in a video promo for my show at the 5th Capital Fringe Festival in Washington DC. Our show is Dog Sees God and I'll be playing Van's Sister. Get tickets at

Tickets are $20. You need to get a $5 button as well as a $15 ticket. Cash only at the door, FYI!!


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Redrum, Redrum!!

So yesterday we were able to be in our space for our Fringe show. It has been incredibly hot in DC these past several days. I believe it was 102 yesterday in the District and it felt like 105-108 outside with humidity. We walk into our space at Fort Fringe, which is Redrum...and holy fucking shit, that heat was so oppressive I nearly keeled over. I was wearing a dress and I had to change into ANOTHER dress with no bra just so I could cool down. I seriously considered taking off my undies too. Just FYI I left them on! We were doing our cue to cue for Dog Sees God and by the end of it we were all so pissy we almost bit each other's heads off.

Supposedly there will be air by the time we perform on Saturday. I'm not holding out a lot of hope here. Now is when I wish I was doing a naked fringe show. That's the way to beat the heat! Take your clothes off!!! And to add insult to injury we didn't even get to finish our cue to cue because we got kicked out of the space at 7. We thought we were in there until 7:30. We all sort of left feeling dejected and wondering if this all was going to come together. I feel like we are a strong enough cast to pull some shit out of our asses if need be. Anyway, I feel like no one follows my blog. But if you do, and live in the DC area and want to see a show...come check out Dog Sees God!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rehearsal for DSG 6/17

So tonight I had rehearsal for Dog Sees God. There were only four cast members there including myself. I didn't have to be at rehearsal last night, which was nice. We ran through Fire is Bad twice. It's really difficult in terms of blocking. Our venue: Red Rum at Fort Fringe is a bit crazy. It's got a thrust stage now, which means there are people on three sides of us. We had to do some tweaking to how Patrick and I were sitting. I also had to figure out new bits of blocking so that I was playing the scene to everyone that would be sitting in the audience. I don't want it to be that the audience that is sitting on the right is just staring at the back of my head the whole time. By the time we did the scene a second time it was a heck of a lot better. I got to go home a little earlier than usual. Now I don't have to be back until Wednesday. I now need to focus on memorizing a new monologue for my Synetic audition on the 27th.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Blisters, Sneakers, and Bugs...Oh My!

I got horrible blisters from my Converse shoes yesterday. I don't get people who adore them...yes I broke them in. But they literally ripped my feet apart. So I go to the Pentagon City Mall where I:

A. Went to all the big shoe stores looking for sneakers.
B. Tried on several pairs of brightly colored Nikes
C. Was torn between a pair of black & white Nike Air Dunks and some black, white, and hot pink ones
D. I went with the ones with hot pink.

I also bought a pair of socks and put those brightly colored sneaks on and left Nordstrom's a happy customer! I'm heading home on a very busy blue line to Franconia when about halfway home this wacko of a lady picks up a bug on the floor. She puts this little brown bug...which looks like a tick actually, on a white business card. She was on the phone through this whole entire ordeal. She moved the business card about so the bug stayed on it. Then, she got up at Braddock Road, let the bug fly off, and she got back on until King St. One Word: Weirdo.

So I pretty much begin the process now of breaking in the shoes, while having blisters on both feet. Ouch! My shoes are pimpin' and I'm self promoting Dog Sees God with my baseball tee.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


So I saw this video today and I felt the need to share it. It made me laugh uncontrollably until I cried and then snorted. Nothing that exciting has been going on in my life...except for the fact that I have a blind date tonight...we'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

So I went to the LOWT auditions a few months ago and Imagination Stage in Bethesda called me back for several of their shows in their 2010/2011 season. I of course went and showed my stuff...I didn't get any things but hey, it was great fucking experience. Although, my last callback didn't go so well, considering I'm not a belter...I'm a 1st Soprano, with opera training! So here I am, little 'ole me, waiting to go in and I get to listen to all the other ladies before me. They are amaze balls!!! I go my half-ass belt/holy-shit I'm so scared I quiver. Needless to say I won't be getting that show either.

Anyway, all of this is beside the point but hey I like tangents. Well last night I received an email from them again asking me to audition for their summer musical in 2011. This is the summer that I plan to study in London...well that's my plan right now. Audition for RADA and LAMDA and apply to their short courses. I COULD audition, but I don't have enough confidence in my singing abilities (for the record I can sing, I just suffer from nerves when it comes to singing in auditions). Any advice? LOL. So I thought to myself: "Jennifer, if you go to this audition and you sound like shit, they are gonna realize that you suck and they'll stop calling you back." I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pick London, because I really want to further my training over one show for Children's Theatre. I figure London will be better in the long haul anyways. I'm just afraid that I am going to make the wrong decision and I'll live with the regret. But then again, that's just how I roll...

I've got other insecurities running through my head as well: Boys...Job...Money. And why in the mother-fucking world did I decide that it would be good to get involved with a 38 yr-old Marine? I don't quite know how to end things, considering the sex is amazing although I know he sees more than one woman. He had no concept of what monogamy means. HA. I think it will be much easier once I find a non-douchebag. They are out there, so I think if I don't look, maybe I'll get lucky. Damn me for being a hopeless romantic. I do find myself becoming more cynical and cold hearted. But that's for another story...

PS: When the fuck did it become summer in DC? This spoken from a Floridian...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And So It Begins!

So here I am....writing a blog. I never thought in a million fucking years I would be doing something like this. After much thought I decided that it would be a good idea to get my musings out in matter how random they are. I won't apologize for what I write; what comes out of my mouth will be honest and interesting (hopefully)! Anyway, enjoy and I hope to pop out stuff relatively in good time.