Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Chronicles of Surgery Part Deux

Its a Sunday and I'm stuck inside watching football. I'm not a Skins fans so I'm only sorta kinda watching the game. I haven't been able to eat anything today. Tried to get down some soup but that didn't happen. Gatorade is all that I've had. Probably going to push for a few crackers later. Chinese sounds good, but I probably would regret the decision later, so the point is moot. I finished my application for LAMDA. Now just waiting on my recommendation and then I just have to pay for it and send it off. I still have not heard anything about Aspen, I'm keeping my spirits up. Maybe I'll send an email next week. I find that this pain medication is incredibly debilitating. I'm starving but scared to eat for fear of being on a toilet for hours. Once I take it, I'm knocked out and incoherent for awhile. I tried waking up at a decent time this morning, but because of the meds I had to lay back down. My body just wasn't ready to get up.

I am finding myself to be incredibly bored and lonely. No one here is really able to take care of me or come by and visit. TV and movies are already boring. I'm too weak to go see Harry Potter and I'm pretty sure I would pass out half way through. I've pushed for people to bring me coloring books but that hasn't happened. I would also like to add that I'm lacking in Vitamin D considering I can't get outside. I'm sitting on my couch hoping that enough sun comes in from outside to help me!

It's weird when you just sit and you have nothing to do. Your mind starts to wander and you think about all these weird, terrible things. At this stage I probably would find paint drying to be exciting. I'm also tempted to just rip off all my bandages to see what my wound looks like. I shouldn't...and I won't...but the little kid in me is like "RIP IT OFF!!!" I'm still debating whether or not I should post a picture of the stitches at some point. I don't know if my audience would appreciate it. I think its cool, but this is coming from the person who can eat a whole meal while watching Trauma Life in the E.R on Discovery Channel. I'm ok with the gruesome. Although, I watched Grey's Anatomy the other night and this kid had been hit by a train and I felt a little sick...but I feel sick about 99% of the time because of the meds so I really don't know. I may be getting another visit today from a co-worker which will be nice. People should start leaving me suggestions for things to do while I'm a gimp.

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