Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Chronicles of Surgery Part 1

Since I have nothing better to do, but sit in bed and write, I thought I would chronicle my time healing and all the crappy things I'm doing to bring myself to 100%. My friends and family read this blog so why not give everyone who cannot be by my side and all access pass to my misfortune. Here we go:

Day 1 Surgery or as I like to call it...the Apocalypse:

I woke up at 4 am so I could shower and get ready to be at Georgetown University Hospital by 5:30. The lovely and ever handsome Garrett drove me and waited for me throughout the whole entire process. I suppose I have to name my first born after him for all he's done. The surgery took no time at all. Maybe 45 minutes TOPS! The post-op took forever considering I had to be given more pain medicine than normal because I suppose being a redhead and pale means I process the drugs faster. It took about two hours for me to completely be ready to be moved. It didn't help that I also had some really terrible nausea...which I was given drugs for...and then I started itching like I got some Benadryl...which meant more comatose Jennifer. The rest of the day was spend saying goodbye to Garrett and having my best friend Jen to keep me company and to make sure I didn't injure myself.

Day 2: Less successful considering I spent the evening throwing up. That's pretty much all I've got. Don't overeat and take your pain meds....something not so good is going to happen.

Day 3: I sat in bed all day...watched some tv, messed around on the computer. Nothing very exciting at all. I also got a lovely visit from my co-worker Annie who brought me trashy magazines, cards, a flower ( I can't let it die), some delicious organic dark chocolate, and hair barrettes...I will rock them in a later post....promise. We caught some Doctor Who and then by that time my oxycontin kicked in so I passed out asleep.

Day 4: Pretty much the same as the others. :)

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