Thursday, October 7, 2010


So I was supposed to go up to NYC this weekend for a big ass audition. Little did I know that because it's the holiday weekend...every nice...not necessarily "luxury" but still nice. I.E no bed bugs, because they are running rampant in Manhattan (I think this is gross, so if I have the money to pay for a nice hotel I am going to do it) is booked. It's a Wednesday night and I have like 10 hotels in mind from Monday and they are all full. I think...shit...fml. I'm at the mall getting my haircut yesterday because I needed to look good for this audition and I get an email from the woman saying 'hey I have someone who may be able to see you in DC." I'm a little freaked at this moment because I'm like, when will you know...i can't keep waiting. Thankfully I can be seen in DC, sometime in the near future. I MAY be filming Transformers 3 next week and I MAY have seen Shia today walking to the metro...but it also could have been your standard DC douche. His baseball hat was askew as if he were trying to hide his face. I thought that was something a celeb might do....whatevs.

For those who are wondering what this audition is for...its not Broadway...i'm not that awesome...YET!! It's for a thing called Theatre Masters which takes place in Aspen every year in January. A bunch of budding MFA playwrights write a play and they need actors. At the end of the week in Aspen their play gets judged by big time people like Lanford Wilson and John Lithgow. If their play gets picked then they come to NYC in April ish. This could be a huge opportunity for fingers crossed. I'll let you all know if I get into Transformers for sure.

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