Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Still no baggage

I'm fairly upset at how British Airways and American have handle the whole baggage debacle. It was supposed to arrive at LAMDA yesterday but they delivered it like at 10 pm so no one was there to receive it, so now it's back in their facility and I have to call at 9 in the hopes that they will ship it to my living situation and not the school...which my stupid ass should have done in the first place...yes I am an idiot and this is my fucking karma.

So here I am, running out of clothes and spending my money on shit that I already have. TOILETRIES! At least I was able to shave and buy listerine. It's the little things I tell ya! Now if only I could have my blow dryer, my complete works, and my clothes...we'd be golden. I leave tomorrow for Stratford so I hope to God it arrives today. The lady at BA told me that they may be able to deliver by the afternoon or early evening which is lovely. Here's to hoping folks. Well, I'm off to go have some porridge (sipping some PG TIPS as we speak).

Today is a full day of Shakespeare and I'm running on 4 hrs sleep. Lord help me!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Delayed flights and Lost Luggage

Here I am in London about to start my first day of classes and I have a carry on with like only two pieces of real clothes and some workout stuff and a few toiletries...read makeup! Inside of my luggage...that didn't make my flight to LHR...I have clothes for my mini trip this week...stuff I need to shave and bathe and my hair dryer!!! Also my complete works of willy shakes which has all my notes and I would be so sad to lose it...also my designer duds

Sorry about the style I write from my phone very early in the morning and don't wanna wake my roomie...she's cool. Fingers crossed it arrives at my school today!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Two Sleeps...OMG

So here I am, two nights out and a part of me wishes I were sleeping in my bed forever and the other just wants it over with. I think I just want to get through immigration and then I can breathe a sigh of relief! I've managed to pack only one suitcase which is overweight but as my bag is free I am happy to pay the 60 bucks for being over 51 pounds hahaha! I've also got a carry-on and a backpack which is heavy as hell because I have my complete works and my computer, plus notebooks and shit. I've also learned that shortly after arriving I have only two days of classes and then they ship our asses off to Stratford for some workshops with the RSC, plays, and tons of Shakespeare.

On another note I hope my roommate is cool. She better know how to clean...she also better be cool with not vomiting on the floor because she can't make the toilet...but I digress...I secretly hope she'll do awesome things with me. Like go to Sir Ian McKellan's pub because I don't want to go alone. Maybe, I'll just find an awesome gay friend. Every girl needs one of those! Anyway I probably won't post much after Friday...at least not until I get in country and get settled. I DO have blogger on my phone so maybe I shall post something quick from the airport! Premium Economy baby!! Oh please who am I kidding, it's just glorified economy but I get more leg room and pitch, plus a better dinner menu. PLEASE GOD LET ME AFFORD AN UPGRADE! FYI I don't slum it...I CAN"T slum it...well I could, I just choose not to. I'm a pretty pretty princess!!!!!



Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Some ? days and counting...

I've lost track of days. So I spoke with my Dad and it looks like paying for grad school tuition is easier than I thought! YAY. Still I have to prep for it while in London which annoys me. As for the whole Tier 4 visa process. F THAT! It's complicated and annoying. I've wrote a lot on this piece of crap called the visa but there is so much convoluted BS that it's driving me mad. It'll get done, but for now...ugh why can't I have a twin!!!

I've been getting clothes together and taking care of stuff. Still drinking wine...would you expect less!? Come on...My writing style is nuts. I sometimes wonder how I will ever mange to get an MA but it'll happen. For now I just write stream of conscious style and say screw it. I also think I'm taking too much luggage, but I've never been one for under packing. Just ask my exes...pretty sure I always had too much when I spent the night! LOL

On another note, I like how everyone is gearing up for the World Cup. When I was living in DC, you'd most likely find me in an Irish pub where they would be showing the games. Now that I live at home and am too busy to go out, I won't be watching it. Although I will root for England in spirit! I feel my love for soccer would be exponentially greater if I were in country...alas....not....yet.

As I prep for my leave I wonder about the weather. I've been in heat for a while now and have no concept of sweater weather....cue song...ya'll. I have clothes from DC but I feel like my blood has thinned. As soon as I hit 70 degrees my body goes " OH SHITE!" I'll probably languish in the cooler weather but it'll probably take a week to get used too.

I'm also working on my diet. I have a feeling once I go back vegetarian or semi veg in London I expect to drop about 5 pounds within the first week or two. Thank goodness! I don't have much to lose...if any...maybe toning up...yay gym on my living premises. Overall, I'm so close to my goal I can taste it!!!


Monday, June 9, 2014

Ummmm in like 12 days I shall be on a plane...

So I have incredible anxiety right now. I have NO idea why. I should be excited about this whole trip...I mean I am, but for some reason I am terrified. Maybe it's the fact that I'm leaving behind the life that I knew. I don't know. I am sure all of this drama will go away when I'm in country. I also have to deal with the fact that my tuition for grad school is due soon and I have to leave that in the hand of my mum to make sure it's all squared away. This scares me...not that my mum isn't capable, she is, but I like to do it all on my own and I can't now.

Everything will of course fall into place, it has to, but for now it's scary as hell. I've got everything in order except for my camera which I will probably get right before I go. I think my ultimate fear is getting to immigration and them saying "Sorry Ms. Finch but we can't let you in." I worry that they'll say I don't have enough money or I don't have the right papers. I am over thinking it...it's what I do. I hope that while I am overseas I can focus on letting my overthinking tendencies go. My life right now isn't exciting and I don't have cool or cute pictures to show you.

I never knew that I had this fear in me. I always used to jump right in. For some reason, starting this new chapter in my life, terrifies me.
