Monday, August 16, 2010

Aspen Part Deux...weeks later!

So I did a lot of awesome stuff while in Aspen and it was a much needed vacation. Trust me! I met with Paige Price who is the artistic director for Theatre Aspen, the Saturday before I left of OK City. I dropped off my headshot and told her I planned to send off the resume when I got back to DC....she even recently sent me a text reminding me to do so. I think she is seriously interested in wanting to cast me. I hope to go up to New York in the spring to audition for her.

Oklahoma City was really interesting. It really is your standard midwestern town. Everything is FLAT...seriously. It was also hot as Hell. Like 105 degrees, at least there was no humidity. I might've let a horse trample me. My sister rocked it out at the horse show. She made it to the finals in Western Pleasure and was soooo close to making it to the top ten in finals. I was still really proud of her though. And for just starting out Hunter under Saddle in Equitation she did mighty fine as well! The horse world is totally new for me. Everyone was decked out in sequins, boots, and a lot of crystal. I am perfectly fine with performing on stage. :) Oklahoma City is also not known for their food...but it was edible and I think I lost a few pounds.

I flew on private jets and felt super rich and I was like hmmm...I think this is what it feels like to be famous. I mean who flys on a 14 seater jet on the way back to Aspen when there are only 3 people. My grandparents do! I also realized they know a ton of people in the theatre world which I think works out really well in my favor. I miss Aspen terribly, it was a really fabulous vacation and now I am back to reality.

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