Yes, you read that right! 60 days until I leave..or more like on the 60th I'm traveling via jet plane. I have so much fear and excitement inside me. I've gotten pretty much everything I need for this two month jaunt. All that's left is a new camera, some PJs, and school supplies. I've received my Apostille Transcript from Rollins and that is being sent of to the University of Birmingham this Friday. After I do THAT...I should receive my CAC, which I need to start applying for my student visa. I've got two credit cards...FINALLY. I also should probably schedule to get a few new passport photos taken...maybe after I get a hair cut. It sometimes feels like there isn't much left to do, but I know I probably should go over my list again. I just hope and pray I don't get stopped for being in the UK this summer...the Border Agency said I didn't need a student visitor visa, but I figured I should come prepared with the necessary documents.
I think in hindsight I'd be less stressed about the Master's stuff if I wasn't going to London this summer. I would have MUCH more time to actually apply and I wouldn't be in the UK and could have the visa in ample time. INSTEAD...I have about 4 1/2 weeks to get an expedited visa and that scares the ever-loving you know what outta me! I know LAMDA will be a great experience and I can find my love of acting again. To be honest, it's fallen by the wayside. I get this way when I haven't been performing in awhile..the "mojo" should come back right away!
On top of everything I've managed a stress fracture. I was in a boot for about two weeks and now i"m in sneakers. No cardio of any kind for about another two weeks...I count the brief walks with my dog and the fact that I lift weights as my new cardio. I miss running, but honestly after this, I think running more than a mile is gone. I have to take up biking, rowing, or the elliptical.
I hope to post more in the coming weeks...thanks for sticking with me. I promise to post pictures, but right now no one wants to see my ugly mug. And on that note, I'm back to finishing up AHS: Coven. Jessica Lange is FIERCE!